Tuesday, 27 November 2012

SEO TIPS for growing business

Do you owe a small business? If answer is yes, then I will say, yours is not small business but a growing business. As, small business have lots of scope to grow their business.
If you run a growing business and you don’t have big budget for online marketing and hence getting nervous. But, do you know that there are various key activities that can be undertaken to help your company’s website get found on Google.
Doing online marketing or search engine optimization is highly competitive. We have listed tips that will enable you to effectively prepare your website for the world of search.

If you have just newly launched your website then it’s difficult to compete your website against older website.  Just don’t expect your website to get found on generalized keyword. Will explain you with an example:
Mr.XYZ starts a new Hotel with lodging, boarding and restaurant in Vashi. After making new website for his new business, he expects his website to get found on keyword “hotel”.  It is next to impossible for his website to found on such general keyword. He has to be realistic. He has to start with Hotels in Vashi with lodging and boarding, then he can further proceed to just hotels in Vashi, further then hotels in navi Mumbai and so on.
So, be realistic with the keywords that you are targeting. With well executed keyword research you will be able to establish and identify which keywords are easier to rank for, but at the same time will still drive relevant traffic to your site.

Making website is just not enough. While website is getting develop, you need to take care that website is developed as per SEO guidelines and as per w3c standards. This will help your site to get optimized early. Also, submit a sitemap and make sure that you optimize your pages for the products and services that you wish rank for. Once this has been achieved and more importantly, makes sure that any one visiting your website knows what it is you do, and what you want them to do – whether it be call your number or fill in a contact form – the last thing you want is people arriving at your site but then quickly leaving unhappy because they couldn’t find what they were looking for. Examining your search traffic and bounce rates in your analytics are a good place to discover any potential problems with the user experience.

Good and quality content does not mean copying content from some good website or copying from some two or three good websites. Copied content will not go long way. Prepare content on your own. Understand your customers mind. Know what they want to know when they visit your website and accordingly prepare the content that will answer to their questions. 

Blogs are the abbreviation of web logs. Earlier blogs were called 'loners online diary', which is mostly used by journalists, students and writers. But, blogs are now a talk of the town because of its use in different communities including business community. Blogs are easily accessible and can be listed in search pages. Apart from the branding and customer engagement benefits, blogging can also help your website make friends with the search engines from a technical point of view.

Ensuring that your website has good amount of high quality inbound links will help your website to rank in the search engines. Link building is a time consuming and often tricky process but there are basic strategies that everyone can build links with regardless of the industry you are in. Creating a blog, interlinking your site’s web pages and submitting your site to relevant and authoritative business directories are just the tip of the iceberg.

Recent local search market studies show that 89% of consumers who use Internet search engines to find a local services or product follow up with a phone call or in-store visit. And 65% of those end up making their purchase offline. As a small localized services business owner, that means you can no longer afford to take your chances with traditional off line advertising mediums such as direct mailers or yellow pages ads , etc that may or may not be working. 

Local search is the use of specialized Internet search engines that allow users to submit geographically constrained searches against a structured database of local business listings. Typical local search queries include not only information about “what” the site visitor is searching for (such as keywords, a business category, or the name of a consumer product) but also “where” information, such as a street address, city name, postal code, or geographic coordinates like latitude and longitude. Examples of local searches include “Hong Kong hotels”, “Manhattan restaurants”, and “Dublin Hertz”.

Social media is a great tool for keeping your customers updated with regards to your company news, and due to its accessible nature it can be a fantastic way to provide customer service. Social media can also be a great tool for acquiring links if you leverage the great content you are creating so make sure that your pages are blog posts are easily share-able on all of the major social networks.

Monday, 22 October 2012

What type of website do you need?

Friends, Hi Again.

Just yesterday, I met one of my client who was very upset with his previous web designing company. Having known the reason behind the same, I understood anybody in his place would have become upset and take a decision of never to make a website again.

Will summarise you,
My client decided to make a website in month of June'12. He is having a business of shipping and logistic. What he needed was just 6 pages website with links like, about us, our services, our clients, contact us etc. The previous company billed him worth Rs.30000/- and gave him the CMS (Content Managemen System) for services and clients page. Till date his website is not built, and it remains incomplete inspite of client giving all the details requested by that company. When I asked him, why he opted for CMS based, he said, he don't know what is CMS, nor he knows what is admin panel, he just know one thing that he will have the website with CMS which is as per new web designing style or trend.

Friends, all website owners or all entrepreneurs who currently don't have a website but will soon have a website, I want all of you to know few things which will help you to understand the designer's language and also help you to be firm on your stand if you are right.

1. Static Website / Static page:
    Web designing company often uses this word. So you need to know what is static page or website. First understand the word static, static means in general terms is "immovable", but in website designing, this term is used for content part. Static page is a page in which content is "not changeable" by the website owner. In case website owner feels the need to change the content then he has to depend on the designer or developer of the website. 

Static website means the content of all the pages in the website is "not changeable".

 Is it advisable to have static pages on the website?

Ofcourse, there are few pages on our website which don't change every now and then. Like, contact us page, we change our address very rarely. Its not something which you have to edit or update on daily or monthly basis. 
For, every page on your website, just give 2 mins and decide, is the content on this page going to change very frequently? And if you get the answer as "NO" then make that particular page a static page.

2. Dynamic website / Dynamic page:
    The word dynamic in terms of web designing in "changeable". The content of this dynamic page can be changed by the website owner himself without depending on the designer or developer. Whenever website owner needs to change the content, he can do it all by himself from the password protected back office given to him.
When should we have a dynamic page?

Sometimes, the content of the one or two pages changes very frequently. Take an example of small Jewellery shop owner's website. What will he have in his website is Home, About us,  Products, Contact us
Out of four links, 3 can remain static (home, about us and contact us) while one link (Products) needs to be dynamic. Because, whenever we show the products on the website, it should be actually available in the shop. If customer founds the difference between the products on the website and actual products in the shop, we are tend to lose our customer. So, we need to immediately update on the website that "No stock available" or "Stock available". Also, if we got some new jewellery in shop then also, it should be updated on the website.

So, any page for which the content will change frequently should be made as a dynamic page.

3. CMS Website (Content Management System):
CMS is content management system. CMS based website means website in which all the pages content can be changed from back office. Not only content, the link, the images, the interface, color of text, background color etc can be managed using CMS.

 A content management website (alternatively, content managed website or CM website) is a website which has the additional capability allowing users to manage the website content easily, without interfering with other aspects of the site.

A Content Management System is a software tool used by both technical and non-technical staff to manage the creation of structured web pages for a web based experience such as an Internet Website, Intranet or Extranet solution.

4. Links:
Though this word seems to be simple, I have seen, many people confused between number of links and number of pages. Friends, please understand what is a single page on website for you is the link for the designer. 

5. Domain, URL and Hosting:
This is another very important terminology used by any web designing company. Its not something complicated for anybody to not understand. I will try explaining you this in very simple language.

Domain is the name of the website. For example: yahoo, rediff, webtelindia, indiatimes are the names of the website.
URL is the address of the website that needs to be entered in address bar of browser. For yahoo the url is www.yahoo.in, for rediff the url is www.rediff.com or for webtelindia the url is www.webtelindia.com.

So, decide what name you want for your website, once you decide your name, decide what url you would prefer for example url's can be: www.yourwebsitename.com, www.yourwebsitename.org, www.yourwebsitename.in, www.yourwebsitename.net etc.


While web pages are designed and developed on a single computer, they must be transferred to a server, or host, so that they are available to the rest of the world over the Internet. 
A host is simply a computer (or server) that has a constant, high speed connection to the Internet 24/7/365.  In other words, "A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to provide their own website accessible via the World Wide Web. Web hosts are companies that provide space on a server they own or lease for use by their clients as well as providing Internet connectivity, typically in a data center."

Hope, all the above concepts explained here are easy to understand. In case you still have any doubts, just drop a mail to me, I will be pleased to reply you. You can mail your queries to info@webtelindia.com

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Real facts behind web designing

Real facts behind web designing

I am having 8 and half years of wide experience in Website. I started as web designer, then web quality checker, web seo, web project manager too. What I learn out of my experience is, before you actually start designing the website, you need to ask some silly questions and you should have it answered before you put pen to paper, search for images or even accept the job.

Will share few of with you all here:

  1.       What is the purpose of having the website?
I know this question is really silly, the common answer is in today’s era, having online presence is must so we want to have our website. The fact is everybody know that they need a website, but they are fully unaware about why they need, how website will help them, website maintenance should be undertaken. And the output of all this is, they end up having a website but with unwanted things highlighted, with wrong content and with no website marketing. Ultimately, they end up having something that really does not suits their needs.

  2.       Is the content for your website is ready?
I have came across many clients who is not only unwilling to answer this question but also not willing to provide the content. We are told to copy the content from other site or we are told to make the content on our own.

I have seen that 10 pages website is done in 3 days and I have also experience the same 10 pages website taking 3 months and the reason is CONTENT not provided by client.

Content is required on the website is all about, who are you? How are you different from others? Why customer should choose you over your competitor?  What are your achievements? Who are your clients?

It’s not that designer cannot answer this question, but the fact is designer should never attempt to answer this questions because only business owner knows there business well. Copy writer can be hired to write a fresh content.
  3.       What links your site will have or what functionality the site will contain?
This question is very important for any designing company. The answer to this question will decide whether the development of website will require the team of only designer or the developer too will be required. The answer to this question should be very much specific in terms of length and breadth.

  4.       Where do you need your website visitors to go?
This is the breath taking question. Because this will decide, what user interaction will happen, how will be the design of website, how many clicks will be there?

  5.       Do you want website maintenance package?
Yes, having website is not sufficient. Maintenance is equally important. Website that changes the content often attracts the search engines. However, most of the static website owner feels that website maintenance is an additional unwanted expense. Because web maintenance costs more than website designing.

But the fact is; only if the website is maintained and is up to mark then we are not only going to attract search engines but also to attract returning visitors.

Decide, what is important, having website without visitors or having good maintained website with good traffic so that you get more enquiries and in turn get more business.

  6.       What type of design you are looking for?
And the answer we get is design should be very unique and attractive. But it should be understood by all that the definition of attractive differs from person to person. What is attractive to me may not be attractive for you. If some insights are given to the designer, then for designer it becomes easy to come up with good design as per client’s requirement and in turn saves the time of both client and designers.

If you are not sure how to define in words about your imagination for website design, then provide some three four sample url in which you have seen some point which you have imagined in your website and explain that to designer.

The intention behind this article is to let everyone know how actual web designing is done and what seems to be small is very important for a web designer or web designing company.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Online Business Versus Traditional Business

Online Business Vs. Traditional Business
To grow globally is the dream of every businessman. A person who starts business on his own effort should need strong determination and positive efforts to make his business successful. Even a well established business needs right efforts to make his business /product/ services successful.

For success of any business marketing policy plays an important role. To increase your business growth, you need strong marketing team with knowledge of thorough marketing strategy.
No matter how great your business idea is or how promising your products or services are, without marketing, all of those are simply meaningless.
What’s so great about having a perfect product when nobody knows about it?
With the increasing role of online marketing, you need to be able to devise specific strategies tailored for online market, while working on the best practices in the off line world. With that being said, it is very important that you understand the differences between online marketing and traditional marketing, and how you can benefit from both.
So what is the difference between traditional marketing and internet marketing? Let me break this down to you in as simple as I can so you can understand what we are talking about in here.
Traditional Marketing is defined as being able to meet customers on a daily basis in order to make profit. This includes the “old school” approach of advertising, selling and meeting with the needs of consumers. In order for this type of marketing to be known, you take control of advertising through newspapers, yellow pages, billboards, flyers and anything that people can take notice of everyday. It could be a flash of neon lights, a big tarpaulin ad, radio advertisements and even tv commercials. So over all, it’s the “non-techy” type of marketing.

Traditional marketing is very costly. It needs long time and budget to get success. Till the date it is consider as proven marketing technique for promoting product or company. In traditional marketing the various media are used for marketing products such as Television, Radio, Print [newspaper, magazines etc.], Outdoor and many other media. Traditional Marketing is very effective, time-tested and proven way to make business or product popular.

Internet Marketing on the other hand has different definitions. Online or internet marketing allows anyone to start an online business for little or no cost and begin to gain profits from the comforts of their home. By using internet marketing strategies, people can work from their computers at home even without the need for opening an actual store or business establishment. Internet marketing allows the person to own and start their business without bothering to market or advertise their product or services in a newspaper or magazine.
Internet Marketing or Online Marketing is the medium to promote product or service through internet. The marketing strategy for any business becomes same for traditional marketing or online marketing such as all factors of market research. Today, Internet Marketing is considered as very faster and economical medium for promoting product and business growth.

Internet Marketing strategies covers a various services like search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), email marketing, SEO copy writing, web development, pay per click (PPC) advertising, banner advertising, directory submission, blog writing and many more. 

Importance of Internet Marketing Vs. Traditional Marketing

Internet Marketing is very economical and fast way to promote product.
Traditional Marketing is very expensive and takes more time to promote product. 

Internet Marketing is very useful for promoting product globally [without any additional cost]. 
It is very expensive and time consuming process for traditional marketing.

In Internet Marketing, you can also work with less employs [you can take more work with less manpower]. 

In Traditional Marketing, you need more employment with more man power which in terms requires spending more money.

In online business you can sell or buy product 24 X 7, round the year without employing any person.
That is not possible in traditional marketing.

Paying Professional and Experienced Internet Marketing Company is very economical.
Paying renowned Advertising and Marketing Company is very costly.

Keep in mind that internet marketing has many advantages compared to traditional ones; it’s not that hard to choose really. That is if you are willing to really invest in this kind of field.  So if you think internet marketing is better, you be the judge. Go ahead and observe what’s going on online and you will see how much it has changed the face of marketing.

Incorporating innovative marketing methods is an effective way to supplement your current marketing campaign. For example, you can have a print, radio or commercial spot advertising your product or service. With these advertisements, you can then plug your company's blog or social media feed. Supplementary marketing methods are great for interacting with your customers, offering special promotions and increasing your online presence.

Why Article Submission is important for SEO?

Other than on-page SEO, one major factor helps determine how you will rank against the competition in search engines. This factor, simply put, is the links you have pointing to your website. With the way search engines currently operate, each page that links to you essentially counts as a vote for your site. Because the votes that some pages give you have more weight than others do, it is important that you have a decent quantity of links with each link having some quality of its own. A great way to get a lot of high-quality links is througharticle submission.

Article submission is an important part of SEO framework. It is necessary for every article submitted to the directories that it gets incoming link to the focus website so that at the end the purpose of search engine optimization is fulfilled. Initially for the articles to get positive feedback it must contain proper keywords so that during search on any search engine like Google it does make its appearance easily. Accordingly the links can be established to the parent website and will get the maximum number traffic hits at a given point of time. Today article or content writing has emerged out as a successful and profitable business and in this respect many companies are joining the queue. This SEO work is so rapidly growing that once it starts getting traffic it needs to be worked on constantly.
Quality Content”, that’s what is needed in your articles to attract more users to your website. But the big question is how exactly does it work? In an article submission, the content related to your product is placed on various article directories. Following this, the users are then able to read that content on your site. The articles are then published and hyperlinks generated allowing search engines to use their algorithms to work out the exact position of the website in the search results. Subsequently, you can increase the chances of your article getting syndicated by going through the article submission process over and over again.

Benefits of Article Submission:

  • Building Backlink for your website
  • Getting Contextual link for your website from keyword you are targeting
  • Help in improving brand presence of your website if write properly
  • Generating traffic for your website
  • Improvement of your website ranking on Search Engine

The Importance of Article Submission for SEO can be summarized as follows:    

  • Article submission done on a consistent basis ensures a steady flow of back links to your website.  It is sure to be an important cog in the wheel of your marketing campaign.
  • Article submission helps to label your website as an authority website and helps to build your brand credibility in the market.
  • Search engines love links coming from web pages which are content-rich.  Article submission opens the door for search engine ranking.
  • Article submission lures visitors to your website which can never be achieved through traditional internet marketing tools.  Traffic gained through article submission is highly result oriented and targeted. 
  • Article submission is a powerful method of getting quality incoming links to your website.  It is an easy way to build links and costs almost nothing.
  • Article submission is one of the most effective marketing strategies.  Article submission is considered as one of the main parts in the link building process by nearly every search engine marketer worth his reputation.
  • Article submission helps to achieve lifetime links for your website.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Website Content Mistakes that affects CONVERSION

Mistake 1: You write for your peers and not for your customers.
Forget about industry jargon and proving to your competitors that you are knowledgeable. Write for your customer. What do they want to know?

Mistake 2: Your website content is not easy to scan.
Most website visitors do not read web content word for word. That means you need to write short paragraphs, include bullet lists, use bold and italics to emphasize key phrases, incorporate plenty of subheadings, and add images to make your web pages easy to scan.

Mistake 3: Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation
Maybe you saw this one coming: but when you’re actually creating your web content, what seems to be the easiest-to-avoid error can be your downfall.  Many websites have web content with 20 or 30 run-on sentences.  Make sure you don’t just write the web content; you need to proofread it as well to avoid this #1 common mistake.

Mistake 4: Writing for search engines
Writing for the search engines and stuffing keywords. While “barking dog instant stop” might be an excellent keyword phrase according to searches, there is a reason why there are not very many exact matches. When this phrase is in your title and 7 more times in the article, it makes for a pretty awful reading experience for your viewers. You are writing for search engines and stuffing keywords which can get you in trouble with Google.
Mistake 5: Too many ads
There is nothing wrong with trying to monetize your site, but please don’t stuff it with ads to the point where it looks like one giant classified. No one wants to read around a dozen ads when visiting your site to find one piece of information. It looks incredibly spammy, pushes your own branding below the fold and has a negative impact on the overall user-experience. Your content and messaging is much more important!
Mistake 6: No call-to-actions
Is no one filling out your contact form or signing up for your company newsletter? Have you tried asking them? Too often site owners worry about creating the perfect lead form, hoping to find the magic word count that will inspire thousands to fill it out. If you aren’t incorporating call-to-actions in your content, how will your visitors know what you want them to do? Ask and ye shall receive!

Mistake 7: Pricing Info
Pricing info is again on the list of content mistakes that don’t have a consensus. Some businesses will not have pricing info, thinking that they don’t want to turn off any customers. Here are the top reasons why it makes sense to always include pricing:
·         The first question on people’s mind after they are sold on your product is how much will this cost me? Can I afford it? If they can’t find that info, they will look it up elsewhere, probably on a competitor website in which case your competitor has won.
·         Putting your costs and pricing out there weeds out the customers who cannot afford your services or products. It increases conversion rates, helps to save your time and theirs as well.
·         It creates an atmosphere of transparency and trust, both essential for marketing on the web.

Mistake 8: Not Incorporating Social Media into Your Content Marketing Mix

Research shows that customers prefer to interact with brands through social media channels and that while other forms of contact such as contact forms, emails, phones are still relevant, social media is quickly becoming the number one choice of customers especially for customer service and queries. It’s no surprise that having social media icons on your site greatly increases conversion rates.

Mistake 9: Opening with an Ad or Flash or Survey

Visitors to your site are likely seeking information. Splash animations and Flash ads stand between them and the information they want. Yes, you can include a skip button, but why risk annoying visitors as soon as they get to your site. You want to create a favorable impression, not turn them off. Also, Flash significantly slows down site and people have too many options to wait. Instead, grab attention with well-crafted copy.

Mistake 10: Too much clutter

We have all been conditioned to think that more is better and that the more choices available the better. But that is not true. It can be confusing for visitors to have too much content on a page and too many options. Break up information into short, digestible chunks. Use short, clear sentences, single thought paragraphs, and lots of bullet-point copy. You want to make your copy easy to scan.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Latest website designing trends

When designing a website, there are a number of different styles you can adopt to get the message of a brand across effectively to customers, users or readers. The important thing to consider is to pick a style that matches the brand you are designing for. Also, there’s no reason why you need to stick to one particular style. Multiple different styles can merge together perfectly fine as you’ll spot in some of the examples below.
Here is a look at ten of the most creative styles in use in web design today with examples of some of the best websites that utilize them.

1. Responsive Interface Design

The average user’s experience is possibly the most important aspect to consider when designing a website. You want page elements to respond quickly to keyboard/mouse input and behave as expected. Some examples may include side fly-out menus, drop-down boxes, and popup windows.
Including famous JavaScript libraries such as MooTools and jQuery, it has become much easier to animate these features and even more. Most modern-day browsers support this code and even gracefully degrade when the scripts aren’t available. Ultimately you want to make the user feel comfortable when interacting with anywhere in the design.

2. Touchscreen Mobile Devices

In the past couple of years it has become evident that smartphones are gaining support among even non-tech enthusiasts. But only since 2011 have we seen an explosion of mobile sites and mobile-specific templates.

3. HTML5 & CSS3 Standards

Both of these new design archetypes have accumulated an ever-growing following throughout 2011. Semantic web designers have been waiting years to churn out CSS-only designs rendering rounded corners and drop shadows. Additionally the W3C has made a lot of headway in garnering support from the most popular browsers.



3. Image gallery slideshow

With the subsequent popularity of jQuery I have spotted more and more image slideshows being dropped into web layouts. Galleries are perfect for demonstrating a quick glimpse of inner-page content. This could be a set of portfolio entries, photographs, blog posts with featured images, demo screenshots, etc.

3. Modal pop up boxes

Many of the open-source image gallery scripts use a type of lightbox effect where the background fades darker than the popup box. I really enjoy this feature whenever I see it, although it has yet to be adopted by many. And although modal boxes are sexy and sleek, they can also be very difficult to code and get working properly.

 4. Social Media Sharing Buttons

As social media grows, sharing buttons have become a necessity for websites. Make sharing easy for users by providing social media button options. Do not limit these buttons to just Facebook and Twitter, pick the top 4 or 5 that work best for your client’s business (ask your client if you must). From Pinterest to GooglePlus, make sure not to miss out on relevant networks. Social bookmarking buttons for blog posts also help to allow posts to go viral.

5. Big Footer

Footers are becoming bigger and more prominent. Web designers are now adding eye-catching images, increased content, more links and business/personal information in these.
6.  Solid Blocking

This trend has been around for a while, and it basically introduces a brick-like design grid which features blocks of solid color coupled with blocks carrying photos or text.

7. Photo backgrounds
 Pioneered by fashion brands and photographers, this design approach is now being used in virtually all industries with great degree of success. Clients love it because it looks good – users love it because it feels good.

8. Fixed Position Navigation

We have all run into this technique at some point, mostly on personal websites or individual blogs. I have seen a large drop in this trend during 2010-2011, but a resurgence has been appearing over the last few months.
If your website doesn’t have a lot of main navigation then you only need to provide a few small links. So why not keep these visible to each user at all times? This can dramatically improve website performance and even blend into the overall page layout with ease. The concept idea is to keep the navbar and internal links/logo locked in place as your visitors scroll through the content.

9.  Big Vector Art
The goofy oversized mascots you can spot throughout websites have begun to claim a brand of their own. Just a few years ago you could not find very much illustration work tied into web branding. But the quality of individual designer’s talent has improved greatly. And I can think of no better marketing brand than a lovable vector-based creature.

10.  Custom Fonts

There are some online font libraries like Typekit which provide free fonts for web designers in order to use variety of fonts in their web design. Moreover, by using JavaScript, web designers can also make awe-inspiring custom fonts in CSS styles. This trend has been very popular with WordPress designers last year and it is expected that it will attain more popularity in blog designing during 2012 also.

11.  Ribbons and Banner Graphics

This is one design element which I had begun noticing a lot more in 2011. Designers began to write simplified tutorials for creating page ribbons, banners, bookmarks, or other types of display badges. Because of the massive emergence of free information more designers have begun jumping into the trends, too.

12. Focus on Simplicity

Ultimately the goal of any website is to get your visitors from point A to B as quickly as possible. Simple, intuitive interfaces are the way of our future. In just the past 5 years I have noticed most of the popular design trends stemming from minimalism. This idea is not ill-founded, as the lesser number of page elements to distract visitors will naturally keep them focused on their goal(s).


These design trends are just some of the few to keep up with as we move forwards into 2012. The year is unpredictable and nobody can say for sure what to expect. I think the facts are obvious that your average web designer has been learning much quicker in recent years than ever before in history. As such we could only expect plenty of innovation and new semantics ushering us into a golden age of technology and massive Internet awareness.
